Eco council


‘The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.’ -Robert Swan


Our intent for the children at Christ Church is to improve their understanding of how to live in, and be part of, a sustainable world. We aim to help them grow into responsible citizens caring for both our species and habitats, making positive changes that will benefit our ecosystems for years to come.

The children in the Eco Council take great responsibility in leading initiatives and events across the school, helping to achieve positive outcomes for both the local and wider environment. Following the undertaking of a whole school environmental review, the children make informed choices of where their efforts will be most impactful, taking a hands-on approach to achieving their aims and encouraging their peers to do the same.


Bioidversity at Christ Church

As part of our biodiversity work towards earning the Eco Schools Green Flag Award this year, we decided to find out more about the species that grow in our school grounds. We created documents to share facts about some of the tree species at Christ Church, which can be found below.

When you next visit our school, look out for QR codes attached to some of our trees; scanning them will take you to the information about that particular species!

Ash Trees

Beech Trees

Cherry Blossoms

Silver birch

Walnut trees


Eco Arts Day 2024

Our whole school took part in Eco Arts Day during Term 6, with children from different year groups being paired up to create 3D sculptures of a variety of different animals that can be found in endangered habitats, based on the series of Wild Tribe Heroes books. Keep a look out in September to see some of these sculptures displayed around the school!


Running out of Time Climate Relay

Today, the Running Out of Time Climate Relay team visited us at Christ Church, and gave an assembly to the whole school about their work on tackling climate change. The baton was then passed on to the Year 5 and 6 Eco Councillors, who gave the relay team a tour of our Eco work, before travelling into town with the baton and transferring it to the next runners. The children were great ambassadors for the school, and more information about the relay can be found at 

Planting in the church yard

This year, we’ve worked with our local church to plant additional species in our local area to improve local biodiversity. Throughout the year, the Year 4, 5 and 6 children have been able to plant a variety of species, including snowdrops, shrubs and trees in the churchyard. They also helped to plant 500 bulbs!

World Oceans Day

Thank you to everyone who wore blue and made a donation for the Ocean Conservation Trust – we raised £368.79! The Ocean Conservation Trust is a charity that aims restore and protect the ocean, centred around people and positive action, whose focus is on pro-ocean behaviour and habitat restoration.