
Equality Objectives 2023

At Christ Church, we are committed to ensuring equality of education and opportunity for all pupils, staff, parents and carers, irrespective of sex, race, gender, disability, religion or belief, sexual orientation or gender reassignment, pregnancy or maternity and socio-economic background. In order to further support pupils, raise standards and ensure inclusive teaching, we have set the following objectives. These have been set for four years but may be amended, removed or replaced as priorities change over the period. Progress updates will be provided each year.

Objective 1: Improving children’s awareness of diversity i.e. through the curriculum or through literature.

Objective 2: Applying to be part of the Spiritual, Moral, Social and and Cultural Development (SMCD) award (a national scheme to improve pupil’s awareness of SMC issues) which has a strong focus on EDI i.e.understanding cultural differences, developing social skills to communicate with people from all different backgrounds, etc.

Objective 3: Reviewing and improving staff training in relation to equality, diversity and inclusion to ensure staff are skilled and knowledgeable and equipped to support the school to further strengthen equality, diversity and inclusion practice.

Objective 4: Continuing to raise attainment and accelerate progress in core subjects for vulnerable learners (this has been included in response to COVID).

Objective 5: Ensuring that all stakeholders are aware of these equality objectives and the progress being made towards them.