School Dinners

The school provides universal free school meals for children in the Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1.Pupils have the choice of bringing their own packed lunch to school or having a hot school dinner. Arrangements can alter on a daily basis as long as meals are paid for on the day that they are taken, or in advance.

Meals are provided by Dolce at a cost of £2.40 per meal for children and menus include a variety of meat-free meal options as well as regular theme days. Payment for school dinners is managed through School Grid and school dinners and the payment for them must be made in advance of the day they are going to be eaten.

Dolce does not offer credit and asks for all School Grid accounts to be kept in credit at all times, but parents and staff.  However, they to do accommodate a three meal ’emergency zone’ for incidents such as damaged or forgotten packed lunches, parents forgetting to top up their accounts etc.


When a pupil account has fallen out of credit, and into debt, a reminder email will be sent directly to the parent, via email, advising them to ‘top up’.  They will receive an email for each meal taken, where they have no funds and are using the three meal credit limit(maximum of three meals).

What happens next?

  • For the parent to clear their account before lunchtime service(school will need to call the parent).
  • To bring in a packed lunch(In addition to the School Grid meal, school will need to advise the parent).
  • The school to authorise, and pay for, the fourth meal.

In addition, we cannot serve meals without going through the School grid system, as out allergy protection procedure will be bypassed and this will put the pupil at risk.

Please note that failure to make a payment may result in the school meal not being served.