Year 3

Welcome to year 3    Christ Church CofE (VC) Primary School | Bradford-on-Avon


Welcome to the year 3 page. We are Poplar class and Oak class.

Please scroll through to see our curriculum, termly update and of course lots of our wonderful learning.

The year 3 team consists of Mrs Pegrum (Poplar class), Mrs Thomson, Mrs Adams (Oak Class),

Miss Iles and Mrs Sibley (our wonderful LSAs).

Have a look through the year 3 page. We will keep this updated with what we have been learning in maths and english along with other subjects. We will also share the weekly spellings.
Find out what we do throughout the year.

Year 3 Curriculum newsletters


Read our Newsletters to find out about the terms:

Spring 2: Year 3 Spring 2 Newsletter

Spring 1: Year 3 Curriculum Newsletter Spring Term 2025 Term 3

Autumn 2:

Autumn 1:

Timetables: Spring 1 we will be starting out timetables scheme. Please read the letter to find out more: Year 3 Letter for parents Timestables

Term 4

Spellings for this term:

5 spellings group: Spring 2 term spellings HFW

10 spellings group: Spring 2 term spellings

World Book day

There has been a crime in Year 3. Which potato did it? Poor potatoes that had the chop!

We have had lots of fun. We had a workshop with author Leigh Matthews and created our own characters and then linked with a partner to create a storyboard.

We have also created our own comic strips about the crime that has happened.



We are already loving our new history topic of ‘How has Britain changed prehistory?’

We have learnt about Stone Age clothing and made our own necklaces.

Term 3

Spellings for this term:

5 spellings group: Spring 1 term spellings HFW

10 spellings group: Spring 1 term spellings

What a way to finish our term learning all about ‘What’s under the bed?’

We really enjoyed our visit from Devizes museum. We looked at loads of different fossils and then did some wonderful printing, fossil making, fossil discovering and drawing.


We have been learning about Baptism and why Jesus was baptised. We had a great time going to the church where Rev. Katie talked to us lots about Christianity and we even had a chance to see what was happening with the restoration inside.


As artists we are looking at sketching and focusing on using charcoal. So far we have learn about the artist Laura McKendry and experimented with charcoal and white chalk. We can’t wait to use our learnt skills to draw fossils.


We looked at the book ‘What’s under the bed?’

Then created our own poems. Here are some of our lines that we wrote:

A cute cuddle kitten sleeping lazy on the ragged rug.

A pair of pants that want to be washed.

A brown bowling ball crushing mini mice.

Sweaty silly socks waiting to be washed.



As mathematicians we have been looking at mass and at different scale intervals. This is a really useful game that the children can play on:


Term 2

School closure:

Unfortunately Storm Bert has hit Bradford on Avon and surrounding areas badly. The school is closed Monday 25th November.

Here is some learning to do at home today:

Flood day RaW Flood day learning English Flood day learning maths

Children have been out trying to help get rid of the excess water. Well done boys.

The School is closed again. Tuesday 26th November.

Here is some learning for you.

English day 2 flood day learning

Geography flood day learning

Science for flood day

maths day 2 flood day learning


Spellings for this term:

5 spellings group: Autumn 2 term spellings HFW

10 spellings group: Autumn 2 term spellings

We have finished our RaW topic about Diwali by having a Diwali morning. We created our own Diva lamps, Rangoli patterns, Touran bunting and Mehndi Hands. We had great fun.


As Geographers this term we have been looking at our local area. It has been amazing finding out about when buildings were built especially seeing how the school has grown in size. We even did a survey of what we thought about our local area. Here are some of the buildings that we have noticed:

We were really lucky to have some live music in school. The musicians shared a variety of instruments including a harp.

We have loved learning about castles as part of being Engineers. We have begun to construct our own and can’t wait to share our finished pieces soon. Watch this space!

We are having great fun finding out about Diwali as part of our RaW topic. We have been creating our own poems.

As authors we are looking at setting and characters linked to our story book Hector and the Big Bad Knight.

We even had author and illustrator Robert Starling come in to help us think about characters we might like when we write our own story.


Term 1

Spellings for this term:

5 spellings group: Autumn 1 term HFW spellings

10 spellings group: Autumn 1 term spellings


We have been really busy in the Autumn term.


We have been working incredibly hard this term creating our Florida leaflets. We can’t wait to share them with you.

We had a great visit for Christ Church Church. They talked all about Harvest and we also decorated our own pot and will be growing daffodils in them.


As artists we have enjoyed creating our own environmental art inspired by Andy Goldsworthy.


As authors we have learnt about Marjory Stoneman Douglas and how she saved the Everglades. We thought carefully about our sentences describing what it was like for Marjory in the Everglades using a range of adjectives, verbs and adverbs.

Marjory Saves the Everglades: The Story of Marjory Stoneman Douglas : Wallace, Sandra Neil, Gibbon, Rebecca: Books

We joined many other school on a live stream about Inside your story. There were 4 authors talking about how to create an idea. The children had to think about their sparks, their characters and where they would go. They drew lots of ideas down on their paper and had great fun.

As mathematicians we have been looking at place value and adding and subtracting bridging tens using our knowledge of number bonds. We have also been finding complements for 100.

We are really enjoying being artists. We have created our own turtles in the style of the artist Jane Callagan.


Another artist that we have been looking at is Robert Delauney who uses circles and shapes but uses contrasting colours.


As geographers we are loving finding out even more about the sunshine coast of Florida. From the Magic Kingdom to the state itself.

We are also enjoying as scientists exploring light. Did you know that light is actually a spectrum of colour not white?


The year 3 curriculum

The learning never stops in year 3. Every day is packed with new exciting learning.


Over the course of the year, as historians, we will travel back in time and visit the Stone Age, Iron Age, Bronze Age and end up in visiting the Romans.


As geographers, we will explore the American state of Florida, from the Magic Kingdom, to The Kennedy Space Centre, to Florida as a state itself and of course link it all with the Everglades National Park. Watch out for out leaflets about Florida! We will understand why earthquakes can be different in parts of the world and how damaging they can actually be. We will also explore our local town of Bradford-on-Avon and discover things we never knew about the town we live in.

Everglades National Park | Location, History, & Facts | Britannica


As scientists we get to learn about the skeletal bones in humans and animals, as well as grouping animals into different groups. How light is created and used, as well as finding out about the use of forces and magnets. We will investigate how rocks are formed and understood how our gardens grows and delved under the bed to see what lies beneath our feet.

Employers Are Luring Workers Back to the Office—With Plants | WIRED UK


We will be learning about Christianity and Hinduism as well as visiting out local church which has lot of exciting things happening in it.


We will be looking and using a range of skills in art this year: painting, sketching, printing, clay modelling, sculpture and drawing. We will also focus on a different artists every term.

Public Art | A First Look at the new Andy Goldsworthy Installation | CFile - Contemporary Ceramic Art + Design


We are very lucky to have the opportunity to learn an instrument at Christ Church School. In year 3 we learn how to play the recorder. It doesn’t stop there we do lots of singing and learn about a variety of different music genres.



Bonjour, ca va? The children are exposed to lots of wonderful vocabulary in French. They will be learning words to use in the classroom, names different fruits, plus the names of musical instruments. We wonder if they will use their french knowledge in their music lessons!



In year 3 children begin to learn more skills based to particular sports. They will get the opportunity to learn skills linked to football, gymnastics, tennis, cricket, tag rugby, dodge ball, fitness, dance and they even get to go swimming in the summer term for 12 weeks swimming.

Afbeeldingen over Sports – Blader in stockfoto's, vectoren en video's over 15,074,567 | Adobe Stock


Design technology

What could be more fun than designing and creating your own castle or sewing your own cushion, let alone getting to make your own vegetable tart. We really look forward to our DT lessons as it’s a great chance to learn new skills that we don’t always get to explore.



We are planning lots of exciting trip so watch this space. We are planning to explore the local area around us as well as travelling further a field.


Useful websites:

Recommended reads for year 3

Looking for ideas for books to read, here are some recommendations for 2024:



Please come back regularly to enjoy some photos of our learning.