Year 5

Welcome to Year 5!

On this page you will find a wide range of information about the learning we get up to, links to helpful websites and links to our curriculum newsletters. We hope you enjoy looking through the Year 5 page and seeing what we are getting up to.

Your Year 5 Team are:

Mr Hardwick – Class Teacher

Mrs Trim – Class Teacher

Mrs White – Class Teacher

Mrs Kielb – Learning Support Assistant


Term 5 - Rivers and Journeys

This term we’re learning about rivers in our geography lessons, and designing our own islands in English based on the book Kensuke’s Kingdom.


For more information about our learning, check out our newsletter for this term below:

Term 5 newsletter


This term’s spellings can be found below:

Spelling letter term 5

Term 4 - Space

This term we are taking a look at space! The children will be exploring our solar system in science as well as blasting off with ‘Cosmic’ by Frank Cotterell-Boyce in our story writing.

Our geography takes us around the world as we explore some of the most famous mountains and mountain ranges including Mt Everest, Olympus Mons on Mars, and the Brecon Becons!

For more information about our learning, check out our newsletter for this term below:

This term’s spellings can be found below:

Spelling letter term 4 website


Term 3 - The Shang Dynasty

This term we are jumping back in time to the dynasties of ancient China! We will be exploring a tomb of the famous female warrior, Fu Hao and learning all about the life and times of the Shang people.

For more information on this term, please see this terms newsletter below:

Term 2 - Volcanoes

This term we are taking a look at volcanoes through our geography as well as a case study of Iceland and the island of Heimaey with its famous eruption in 1973. Children will be applying their knowledge in our writing this term producing non chronological reports in the first few weeks back. Some children have even brought in rocks, gems and many stories about their experiences with volcanoes, which we have enjoyed sharing together.

Please see the curriculum newsletter below for more information:

Term 2 Curriculum Newsletter 


We also made some fantastic model volcanoes which we erupted outside to demonstrate an eruption.

Term 2 Spellings

Spelling letter term 2

Term 1 - Ancient Islamic Civilisation

This term our learning focuses around the Islamic city of Baghdad where we will be exploring the question: How different was life in Baghdad compared to London in 900CE.

Please see the below newsletter for more information on all our learning and key information this term:

Y5 Term 1 Early Islamic Civilisation


This term the children have taken part in ‘Discover Christ Church‘ which again has proven an excellent opportunity to get to know our church community and spend some time finding out all about Christianity with the children able to ask questions and explore unknown parts of the church such as the organ and the altar. The children had a great time sewing, glass painting and touring the church.


Term 1 Spellings

Spelling grid letter